Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I never have been the biggest fan of Halloween but Katie and James invited us to a Halloween party so we whipped up some costumes in about 20 minutes. I was Waldo ( i don't have a picture but it was awesome:) and Matt was Three Hole Punch Jim. Probably the easiest costumes in the world! ha! and they didn't cost us a penny cause we already have everything. Yep were that cool.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Life is never as hard as you think it is

Growing up is hard. And most of the times it sucks. You never have enough money, you fight, and you worry. And for some reason I'm just having one of those days where i just want to curl up in a ball and cry. Not for any specific reason, nothing terribly bad has happened, but it's just one of those days. And they are very hard to push past. That sinking feeling like I'm doing nothing with my life and every one is going to be disappointed in me, including myself. All of my friends are moving on with their lives going somewhere, and I'm still stuck in the same place, doing the same things.

So today I've decided I'm going to stop. Stop feeling sorry for my self, Stop putting my self sown, Stop comparing my self to others. I can only be me, and this life i have now. and you know what? it's pretty great. I have friends and family who love me and would do anything for me. And that's all that really matters, everything else will fade away eventually, and all i will have is the people surrounding me, and they are all pretty amazing.

Somewhere i never thought i'd go

Needless to say before i met Matt i had never been to a football game. ever. It also didn't help that i had not gone to a real high school ( it was a charter school and we didn't even have a football team until after i graduated) and to be honest, i never really wanted to.

I didn't grow up in a football family. I mean the boys in my family all watched football on TV, but they were all bean poles, so i don't know if playing football in high school would have been the best choice. probably not. ha.

So now here i am now sitting at the holt arena. Watching Matt's little brother's football game. Wearing a jersey. Yeah crazy turn of events i know. But i did actually have fun. and we won. Maybe football isn't so bad after all.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy Saturday!

Were heading down to Pocatello to watch a football game, eat some of this awesome food we got from our bountiful basket today, then maybe relax a little since i only work two days next week.  i'm gonna miss the money but man it's going to be awesome to do nothing for a little bit. Hope you have a great weekend!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Chalkboard Paint is awesome

I think I've been having too much fun painting things because this is what i did on Wednesday on my day off. I picked up this side table from the DI on Tuesday night and was so excited i literally drove across the street and picked up chalkboard paint right after i left DI. Yes Chalkboard paint. i have always wanted to paint something with chalkboard paint so i took this as my first chance ( since my apartment will not let me paint walls... yes i know. It's very sad)

So we started. We took off the legs and started sanding. The brass pieces on the feet were the trickiest part. i tried every remedy i could find online but nothing would clean them up. Then Matt had a genius idea. So we took all four pieces to the auto shop on campus and he used the wire wheel to clean them up! Cheating. Maybe. But are they shiny now? YES!

So after two coats of Chalkboard paint it's done. I still have to prime it with chalk, and i have no idea why i would want to write on a coffee table. but who cares. I love it.

p.s. here's a shout out to my awesome $2.50 lamp from a garage sale. yes.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ombre Dresser

We needed a new dresser. It was a fact. And it might be because i have a fair amount of clothes. That take up pretty much the whole closet. Yeah i know, my fault, but that still does not mean i'm giving up my clothes. So we went on the hunt for dressers. In Portland it would have been no problem, find a garage sale, pick up a dresser. done.

But i live in a college town. where everyone needs a dresser. everyone. And man did they go fast. Either they were falling to pieces or gone after only being posted for 5 minutes. Well that or 300$ because they were "Shabby Chic" which might just be my least favorite phrase, possibly, in the entire world.

So i conjured up a plan. Drive to Ikea, eat some meatballs, and buy two dressers that i could paint exactly how i wanted, and knew were not going to fall apart for at least three years, maybe two, You never know they were the cheap ones.

Now i realized very fast that the nice thing about painting things from ikea is that they are already dissembled and ready to be painted. it's kind of awesome, i'm not gonna lie.And the paint was pretty cheap too. I just found a paint sample i liked and got all five colors on the card in sample sizes.

So after many hours and an entire season of Revenge. Ta-Da. Two ombre dressers. painted blue because that was the only way i could get my husband to approve multicolored drawers.

Living Room - Part 1

one wall of our living room.
(please ignore the badly exposed image, i don't have a wide angle lens anymore so i had to combine about 4 images to get this far away :) Pretty sad. maybe that should be my new investment.

So here's one wall of my living room. you don't want to see the rest right now.... I'm painting a side table ( with the windows open...) so the rest looks like a land mine went off.

also i finally finished the dressers, and hopefully i'll stop being lazy today and actually take pictures of them. Lets be honest though that's probably not going to happen. haha.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

you can only imagine

You can only imagine my husbands disappointment when he realized
that i could grow a better mustache then him.

Happy Sunday! 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

it's beginning to feel a lot like winter

Though you can't see in this picture the wind was blowing like CRAZY today! so we picked up our Bountiful basket and headed away from the wind and down to Matt's Parents in Blackfoot. It was not too exciting but we did find an old school exercise machine, and i moved pipe in a grave yard for the first time. My dad would be so proud.

Friday, October 19, 2012

a trip to utah + cute babies

I made a little trek down to utah last weekend to see Laura. And visit Ikea of course. It was so much fun playing with Amelia! She really made me miss my Meh Meh! It was a perfect weekend filled with old friends, cute babies, Swedish Meatballs, "Scenic Routes", getting lost, and Dream porches.

I need to go back soon! and probably bring Matt with me next time!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We learned something today

I can't cook breakfast.
It was pretty embarrassing.

I think it might have been a train wreck from the start, but i will deny it if you ever ask me. I was trying to make chocolate chip pancakes, because if you watch way too many cheesy sitcoms, like i do, that's just what parents do right?
( not that i'm a parent.... but still).

So I started throwing things together like an awesome baking ninja. First it was too runny....then too thick. I think that happened about 4 times, and in the end i put so much cocoa in it it smelled like straight up nutella.

 Now i'm not gonna lie, it was delicious. But in the end, what started as whole grain almost healthy pancakes, turned into a chocolate bar covered in syrup.

Yeah. i should probably leave breakfast to my husband. cause that's one of the few things i will actually admit that he's better then me at.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm Alive i Promise

I promise i'm alive! and i have tons of photos from my weekend trip to Utah to go to Ikea to go visit Laura. But really besides that we don't do much except work right now. But i do have a few days off this week and i'm painting a dresser, and it's going to be awesome! i make sure i show pictures when i'm done.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

This is what our weekend looked like

This weekend was a record breaker. We had two full dates in two days. that never happens. You see, I was supposed to work this weekend, all the way in Utah. Bear River to be exact.
yeah i was super excited.....

So we did everything on Friday. Went to the farmers market ( there's only one week left! i'm super sad!) and went to the cheap theater to see the new Spider Man.

So on Saturday we didn't really plan to do anything aside from watching conference, Matt watching movies i would normally refuse to watch, and me suffering through a 6 hour car ride. But at 2 P.M. I got that fantastic call that they had too many people scheduled and they didn't need me!
**Commence jumping party in the kitchen for 5 minutes straight** (Sorry Katie)

Thus we did what any poor married college students do for a date, cook your own dinner and then drag your husband to a girly movie. And though he may not admit it, i'm telling you, he liked it. He was laughing pretty much the entire time!

Ohh and i finally got myself a typewriter that works! Thank you Garage Sales. well kinda... it needs a new ribbon so i just have to retype over my sentences about 3 times so you can actually read them. I still count that as works.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Guess who's on the photo blog

Jen's on my Photo Blog! go Right here to see the rest of her beautiful shoot!

My week according to my iphone